How to land a job overseas

Moving overseas to study is a big change – and finding your first job as an international student can be just as daunting. If...

4 factors to ruin your serverless migration

As more and more companies embark on their digital transformation journey, organisations need to upgrade and evolve their infrastructure technology to maintain a competitive...

3 growth hacks for better engagement

Tech startups and international student recruitment may seem like they’re worlds apart, but from growth hacking to disruptive marketing, the fast-moving world of tech...

The value of diverse talent

We all know just how valuable international students can be to a country’s economy. Take Australia, for example. It’s the country’s fourth-largest export, worth...

The dilemma of digital clutter

Where is the konmari for cloud? Gigabytes of free storage have turned many of us into digital hoarders. We never need to delete photos...