
Close up colorful shopping bags on table with big window on back

Five tips to stretch your marketing budget for 2025

As consumers actively seek the best deals, marketers have an opportunity to create effective strategies and appeal to a captive audience ... Read More
Lion statue, a gold sculpture. Concept of a guard, power and proud animal.

The Backstage Pass to Cannes Lions: Key takeaways from a global marketing director

New consumer trends and the potential of AI were among the hot topics at Cannes Lions 2024 ... Read More
Why consistency counts in retail and eCommerce

Why consistency counts in retail and eCommerce

As eCommerce and advertising continue to evolve, we stand on the brink of a paradigm shift that could redefine retail – a transition from traditional platforms to a more ubiquitous, ... Read More
Attractive Man enjoying his morning coffee on his computer at his hotel room

Easing tech anxiety in the hospitality industry

Hotels are under a huge amount of pressure to digitally transform as a way to streamline operations and gain a competitive edge. Add renewed travel volumes, steep inflation, and persistent ... Read More
Online shopping concept

Why personalisation is key to digital success

Retailers should increase their focus on personalisation and optimisation to meet consumer expectations ... Read More
Girl shopping online via mobile phone

How to unlock the power of shoppable creatives and content

Immersive technology that leverages AI, Virtual and Augmented Reality, is driving new and memorable digital commerce experiences ... Read More

How market research will ride the AI wave

This is a pivotal time for the market research industry as innovation and shifting consumer behaviours represent uncharted, exciting territory ... Read More
Mastering hotel management: how to meet four crucial needs

Mastering hotel management: how to meet four crucial needs

Disrupted beyond compare by the pandemic, the hotel industry has seen an acceleration in digital transformation ... Read More
silhouette of trees during sunset

Transforming grant distribution: Insights from the pandemic and bushfire disasters

Advanced data strategies and technology are key to achieving a single view of the citizen, which would allow for a more targeted and efficient distribution of grants ... Read More
human finger interacts with artificial intelligence

The most important AI trends in business today

The gap between AI hype and reality is narrowing, but there’s still a long way to go before it fully delivers the promised benefits to business and consumers ... Read More
four assorted-color trash bins beside gray wall

Garbage in, garbage out: Why businesses are losing the AI race

The quality and usefulness of AI’s output relies on the data input, but many businesses face the challenge of missing, incomplete or disorganised data ... Read More
test tubes and pipette

Can knowledge graphs revolutionise pharma R&D?

In life sciences, the adoption of new standards such as Study Data Tabulation Model (SDTM) and Analysis Data Model (ADaM) is proving critical for efficient and effective data management and ... Read More
Immersed into augmented reality

What can the CIO sector expect from 2024

A slew of advanced technology is set to transform many industries, with generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) continuing its widespread disruption ... Read More
close up woman hand holding mobile watching video online with advertising on mobile

Embracing interactivity to make content commerce more powerful

Interactive video content has the potential to be a powerful tool for enhancing e-commerce and customer experiences ... Read More
a computer generated image of a network and a laptop

Using graph technology to leverage ChatGPT-like tools

One of the main challenges in working with generative AI is how to derive value from integrating datasets with it ... Read More
Elevated view of female's rowing eight in water

Strategies for boosting collaboration and communication in SMBs

Strategies that foster seamless teamwork and open channels of dialogue can significantly enhance productivity and overall outcomes ... Read More
AI robot working in the office

There’s a fine line between good Al and a creep

Consumers want personalisation but AI needs to be balanced against intrusiveness ... Read More
brown and black fur on white ceramic plate

How unprecedented change is reshaping the insights industry

The role of market research is rapidly evolving and the industry needs to be more open to new data sources and methodologies ... Read More
cloudy skies

Top 3 tips for SMEs to leverage cloud computing

To stay competitive, SMEs will have to put aside fears of cost, limited manpower and resources, and take a long term perspective of digital transformation ... Read More
person holding black iphone 5

Do or Die: Why retailers must join TikTok’s content commerce revolution

The secret to TikTok’s success has been to merge video and human computer interaction (HCI) into a single interface ... Read More
a computer chip that is glowing green in the dark

A reality check on Generative AI in Asia-Pacific

Despite its enormous potential, GenAI has its limitations, from copyright, data protection and privacy, and ethical issues to misinformation, bias, lack of explainability and hallucinations ... Read More
brown and blue wooden cabinet

Improving supply chain with warehouse technology

Warehouses are integral to the supply chain as they bridge the gap between production and distribution ... Read More
Apple MacBook beside computer mouse on table

Bridging the gaps in digital government ambitions

Many citizens still feel excluded from government digitalisation efforts due to poor digital infrastructure, high cost, absence of technical skills or an unreliable network in certain areas ... Read More
Customer service and support

Challenges in meeting citizen appetite for digital government services

Despite tremendous progress in the past decade, gaps in digital literacy, accessibility and privacy are slowing down governments' digitalisation efforts ... Read More
close up click buy now button on mobile shopping app

Why in-stream checkout is the future of ecommerce

Retailers face a big task in delivering an exceptional customer experience, yet doing so is critical to remain competitive ... Read More
Money, finances. Euro coins

Lessons for marketers from the cost of living crisis

As consumers tighten their purse strings, what do marketers need to know in this very delicate economic climate? ... Read More
AI Chatbot, Artificial intelligence Technology Concept

Why we urgently need a GenAI regulatory framework

GenAI is transforming the way people work, study and find information, but we need to ensure that it remains transparent and ethical ... Read More
Closeup shot of hanging gray dresses on a textile industry

How fashion brands can learn from the food industry

Behind all the glitz and glamour, fashion brands still have a business to run. In 2023, back-office and supply chain are in the spotlight ... Read More
Red heart in a supermarket trolley

The next frontier: innovation in retail media

Brands are increasingly adopting a "hearts to cart" approach, letting consumers make a purchase at the point of inspiration ... Read More
Very Positive Feedback. Amazing Customer Experience (CX).

The importance of an elite B2B customer experience

Customer experience (CX) has long been a strategic focus for business-to-consumer (B2C) retailers who understand its role as a key driver of customer acquisition, conversion, and retention. Over the years, ... Read More
Three mannequins in a clothing store during Black Friday sales season

Beyond the hype: What retailers can do with GenAI today

There's a lot of hype and expectation around GenAI in retail, but what it is actually capable of already? ... Read More
Robot preparing sweet cupcake with cherry, blue background

Time to embrace AI for success in food and beverage

Faced with high inflation and increased prices, innovative food and beverage companies are turning to AI and ML to drive efficiency and cut costs ... Read More
three round gold-colored coins on 100 US dollar banknotes

Delivering hyper-personalisation in banking with new technologies

Innovative technologies are helping banks leverage data and analytics to offer hyper-personalisation by understanding their customers’ digital preferences and footprint ... Read More
How a digital twin can help manage complex data needs

How a digital twin can help manage complex data needs

Rapid digitalisation puts enormous pressure on modern IT systems to streamline massive amounts of complex data, involving vast networks of interlinked devices ... Read More
green, brown, yellow, blue, and red labeled jars

How to embrace digital technology to combat inflation

Recent inflation spikes are causing food and beverage manufacturers worldwide to face potential threats to profitability and risks to customer relationships ... Read More
macro photography of green leaves

ERP is the right tool for the times

Many SMEs don't have access to the clarity of operations they need to meet challenges or take advantage of growth opportunities ... Read More
Tech trends to watch as online learning accelerates

Tech trends to watch as online learning accelerates

A surge in remote working and easy availability of a range of online courses during and after the pandemic is driving the shift to e-learning ... Read More
round black and green magnifying glass

How observability can accelerate digital transformation

As more consumers enter the digital commerce space every day, the demand for improved speed, convenience and personalisation grows significantly ... Read More
The future of hospitality: Key tech trends and priorities for 2023

The future of hospitality: Key tech trends and priorities for 2023

The future will see new opportunities to redefine the technology in hospitality industry spaces ... Read More
aerial photography of people

AI – bane or boon for market research?

AI will reshape how researchers work, help us sift through historical data to identify patterns and trends, and predict future consumer behaviour with far more accuracy ... Read More
sliced meat on brown paper

Leading the way in sustainable red meat

The livestock industry generates significant emissions, but new technologies and husbandry practices are helping increase sustainability ... Read More
black chain

Supply chain trends for 2023

Despite ongoing supply chain issues and the economic turmoil, 2023 has the potential to be a very positive year of growth for many manufacturers and distributors ... Read More

Six food industry predictions for 2023

The food and beverage industry has been greatly affected by consumer preferences in the past decade. These six trends will help the sector remain resilient ... Read More
turned off black television

How advertisers look at TV

2023 will be a year of continued opportunity characterised by major shifts both within the media sector, but also in the overall economy ... Read More
person on top of the cliff

What’s on the horizon for market research in 2023?

When there are so many unknowns, it’s critical for businesses to consistently keep in touch with consumers  through market research ... Read More
person holding clear glass decor

Tech Trends 2023 predictions

2022 was the year when we saw an end to the pandemic border closures as the world slowly started to open up again. Travel resumed, events picked up momentum, and ... Read More
AI and graph technology to improve patient care

AI and graph technology to improve patient care

Artificial intelligence (AI), digital twin and graph data technolgies are generating insights that enable better prevention, more accurate diagnoses and more effective patient treatments in healthcare ... Read More
black and red circuit board

Navigating chip shortages and supply chain disruptions

The semiconductor and chip shortage affecting the automotive and technology industries is likely to persist through to 2024, how can manufacturers be more resilient? ... Read More
assorted tape measures

How campaign metrics can stifle success

Too many decisions are made based on what can be measured in the short term, as opposed to what will deliver true consumer impact and business outcomes ... Read More
man in blue jacket and blue denim jeans wearing gray cap

Optimising food manufacturing through artificial intelligence

AI has the potential to optimise all areas of food manufacturing, facilitating smart, industry-specific applications to improve every aspect of the supply chain ... Read More
person holding black remote control

How to maximise ad effectiveness moving into 2023

Advertising budgets will need to work smarter and harder in 2023. An effective use of media will deliver better results for brands and agencies ... Read More
gold female angel statue

Unpopular opinion: The algorithm is not evil

Algorithms should be viewed as our greatest ally in the ever-competitive attention economy ... Read More
photo of cargo cru ship

Combatting and overcoming complex Asian supply chain issues

Manufacturers, distributors, and logistics companies need a more robust, scalable approach to deal with supply chain complexity ... Read More
black plastic frame on brown wooden floor

Ad effectiveness in the age of fragmented media

Measuring ad effectiveness is increasingly challenging in a world of ever fragmenting media and audiences ... Read More
apples and bananas in brown cardboard box

3 ways online grocers can win customers post-pandemic

Digital grocery retailers must keep the customer at the heart of new investments and address key pain points ... Read More
train arial photo

Managing evolving supply chain challenges

3 ways organisations create more resilient supply chains that can adapt to ever-shifting demands and challenges ... Read More
Silhouette Photo of Jumping Person during Twilight Hour

How to make the jump to a unified observability platform

The need for a single observability platform is clear, but how can organisations implement it successfully? ... Read More
Black Crt Tv Showing Gray Screen

Watchability will be the deciding factor of the streaming wars

Streaming services face some hard realities ahead, from limited scale to opacity around measurement ... Read More
3 ways graph data platforms help governments leverage data

3 ways graph data platforms help governments leverage data

Through graph technology, governments can model complex webs of data and solve complex problems ... Read More
Let human hands guide the automated touch

Let human hands guide the automated touch

Delivering personalised experiences at scale is a top challenge for customer experience (CX), requiring a high degree of automation ... Read More
brown rope on black background

Why Graph Data Science Is Making An Impact In Asia

Many organisations across Asia are now turning to graph data science to store data and generate insights ... Read More
man in red and black jacket standing on snow covered ground during daytime

Developing the next super app

The rise of super apps in Southeast Asia has raised the bar in providing an all-encompassing, seamless user experience ... Read More
low-angle photography of building interior

Why observability is key to modern application architectures

Being able to swiftly respond to app or website problems – or even preempt them – must be part of an organisation’s DNA ... Read More
white and blue net

How graph data platforms empower retailers

Retailers need transparency across the entire supply chain to detect fraud, contamination, high-risk sites, and unknown product sources ... Read More
6 considerations to make hybrid work a success

6 considerations to make hybrid work a success

Hybrid is a complex new model. Businesses have a lot to do to make a successful transition to hybrid work ... Read More
man in black jacket and blue denim jeans sitting on blue and brown inflatable pool

Observability in the post-cookie world

The end of third-party cookies means that the visibility of determining and aligning customers’ profiles will become much harder ... Read More
Time Square, New York

Ad repetition can alienate consumers, how can we fix it?

Seeing the same ad too many times can compromise a consumer’s viewing experience and brand association ... Read More
woman in red yellow and blue floral dress wearing white mask

Unpopular opinion: The algorithm is not evil

In a connection-driven world, content must win the algorithmic race to the target market ... Read More
time lapse photography surfer in wave water

Riding the post-COVID e-commerce learning curve

Many businesses that pivoted to e-commerce during the pandemic now face a question: do we pivot back? ... Read More
Can retail lead the rise of super apps?

Can retail lead the rise of super apps?

Super apps offer the opportunity for a self-sustaining, continuous and autonomous retail ecosystem that’s fuelled by partner data ... Read More
silver iPhone 5

Paradigm shift in restaurant technology and food ordering

Our recent era represents a paradigm shift in the way restaurants and food services concepts do business ... Read More
Person Reaching Out to a Robot

Robotic Process Automation & Artificial Intelligence: a partnership for proficiency

In 2022, robotic process automation (RPA) is poised for a breakthrough into mainstream consciousness. RPA refers to the automation of business processes via software platforms that script and operate predefined ... Read More
assorted-color lear hanging decor

Perpetual transformation: DX is not a once-off

The real digital winners will be those who embrace continuous transformation as an ethos to maintain market relevance and adapt to change ... Read More
gray table lamp beside white bed pillow

Evolution of the hospitality industry in the new era

Leaning into change requires multiple viewpoints and collaboration with internal and external experts to shape a vision for where the hospitality industry is headed ... Read More
Infusing sustainability into business

Infusing sustainability into business

The pressure is on for food producers and processors to boost sustainability credentials and meet changing consumer demand ... Read More
yellow and green planet with black background

Creating the “future fit” marketing partner

For a marketing and advertising sector that navigated massive disruption even before the pandemic, big opportunities abound - today's goal is growth, not survival ... Read More
white concrete pillar under white clouds during daytime

The four pillars of e-commerce profitability

If traditional retailers want to win new customers and increase their share of wallet through digital channels, here are four areas they need to focus on ... Read More
human robot toy near wall

Creating a great digital citizen experience

Citizens are embracing digital government services and have appetite for even more, including the use of AI to enhance user experience ... Read More
panning photography of flying blue, yellow, and red hot air balloon

5 measures for SMEs to mitigate the effects of inflation

As we move into a more inflationary cycle at a macro level, the pressures are increasing for many businesses. While inflation in Australia isn’t currently at the levels being seen ... Read More
Low Angle Photo of Balconies

The importance of communications and hospitality technology

Mobile technology and online interaction with booking hotels and ordering food has been significant in shaping perceptions and expectations ... Read More
The stars and galaxy as seen from Rocky Mountain National Park.

Why knowledge graphs are crucial to business

Graph data science is being used by organisations such as NASA to train machine learning and enhance AI ... Read More
people inside the building

Creating a robust, resilient digital infrastructure

Government at all levels must focus on continuous improvement of projects created at the height of the pandemic ... Read More
grayscale photo of low angle view of building

Beating the great resignation – how flexible working can help retain staff

The global skills shortage is growing more severe, giving talented workers much more choice and negotiating power ... Read More
Transforming government agencies with graph data platforms

Transforming government agencies with graph data platforms

Government agencies often struggle to uncover connections in a vast pool of data, but graph data platforms can reveal anomalies and answer complex questions ... Read More
Smart places getting smarter

Smart places getting smarter

The concept of smart cities is evolving as the merging of physical and digital worlds delivers "cognitive places" ... Read More

E-commerce teams: The unseen keys to success

As brands rethink the role of the in-store experience, they must also recognise the role of "back-stage" teams and employees as a differentiator ... Read More
Technologies enabling smart factories to self-adapt

Technologies enabling smart factories to self-adapt

Tomorrow's factories will need to meet demands including personalisation, faster fulfilment and better sustainability - AI will be critical to enable this ... Read More
The accelerated rise of the metaverse

The accelerated rise of the metaverse

The metaverse has become a buzz word in recent months, but will it as be as revolutionary as hyped? ... Read More
water droplets on clear glass

Reshaping the future of HR with graph data platforms

Graph data platforms enable the kind of analysis that HR managers need in an era of exponentially fast-growing information ... Read More
Close Up Shot of White Robot Toy

Do we need anti-discrimination laws for racist robots?

The use of AI in our day-to-day lives presents many ethical dilemmas: it can’t always be trusted to be neutral and unbiased ... Read More
cooked food on gray ceramic plate

Adapting the restaurant experience for the 2020s

How does technology intersect with perceptions and expectations around what a great guest experience in restaurants and food services should be? ... Read More
blue and white striped textile

Digital transformation at the heart of energy’s net zero ambitions

Net zero, evolving technologies and changing consumer awareness are driving new digital opportunities within the energy system ... Read More
How research technology is shaping the future of retail

How research technology is shaping the future of retail

Online shopping has surged since the Covid pandemic first hit Australian shores in 2020. When Pureprofile and IAB carried out a national survey of online shopping behaviour in the past ... Read More
Driving retail success with graph data platforms

Driving retail success with graph data platforms

Graph data platforms, that store data in a web of linked nodes, are ideal for retailers wanting to create a personalised, seamless customer experience ... Read More
Assorted Clothes

Meeting expectations for a transparent value chain in the fashion industry

Pressure is growing on fashion brands to be more transparent about their products and be more environmentally friendly overall ... Read More
Resource planning needed for latest challenges

Resource planning needed for latest challenges

With fast changing food industry demands, alongside rising consumer pressure for transparency, being able to respond quickly can determine success or failure ... Read More
Black and Gray Lego Blocks

5 agtech predictions for 2022

Climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, and digitisation is fuelling global demand for better sustainability, transparency, and cost-efficiency in agriculture ... Read More
person holding red and beige twin bell analog alarm clock

4 top SMB trends for 2022

From time-stacking meetings to trust, here are four top trend predicted for SMBs this year ... Read More
Why your business should adopt open source

Why your business should adopt open source

Open source enables organisations to leverage the tried and tested work of a talent pool of millions of developers ... Read More
shallow focus photography of woman holding shopping bags during day

5 “shopper first” trends for retailers to embrace

As retailers adapt to post-COVID changes and strive for transformational growth, they need to consider how to incorporate new customer needs and expectations ... Read More
person holding glass ball reflecting sun

Research industry predictions for 2022

In an industry that’s all about data, insights and understanding consumers and trends, what are the predictions for the research sector in 2022? ... Read More
Hitting the TVC sweet spot in the battle for attention

Hitting the TVC sweet spot in the battle for attention

The “attention economy” is building momentum as marketers look for more effective ways to engage audiences in this new world ... Read More
person holding clear glass ball with QR code background

Digital marketing lessons for 2022

With a surge in the use of online retail, collaboration platforms, videoconferencing and streaming entertainment, there’s a multitude of areas for marketers to get to grips with this year ... Read More
person holding eyeglasses

Why observability needs a seat at the boardroom table

To create a data-driven organisation, observability must be raised to a level of conversation that the C-Suite can understand and appreciate ... Read More
empty black rolling chairs at cubicles

Workplace tech predictions for 2022

After two years of disruption, businesses are having to adjust to meet the new demands of employees and how they implement technology in the workplace ... Read More
person holding white iphone 5 c

Anticipatory design – the next frontier of personalisation

Anticipatory design removes unnecessary choices and effort to creating delightful experiences that anticipate what users need before they know it ... Read More
3 trends for the future of manufacturing

3 trends for the future of manufacturing

There are exciting opportunities ahead for businesses that invest in the right processes and technologies for the new era of the supply chain ... Read More
green leaf plant near white wall

Empower employees in the hybrid working era

With remote work here to stay, what will it take to design and create a more successful, inclusive, and flexible workplace to empower your employees? ... Read More

5 make or break rules for end-of-year sales

The pandemic has changed the retail landscape as we know it. Having an online and digital presence has become necessary for almost every retailer. According to a recent report from Facebook and Bain & ... Read More
black plastic frame on brown wooden floor

Trends advertisers need to know for 2022

Content has taken on new meaning due to new blended ways of work and lifestyle balance. Worldwide, TV watching, online streaming and digital screen time is surging ... Read More
Why companies need to revisit their business models in 2022

Why companies need to revisit their business models in 2022

While many businesses expected the worst of COVID to have passed them in 2020, this year was equally challenging. Post-COVID growth is not going to happen if a business model ... Read More
long exposure photography of road and cars

Fiercely competitive new normal driving tech adoption for manufacturers

While some manufacturers spent the past year of pandemic in a holding pattern, others accelerated their adoption of digital technologies ... Read More
Here’s what the future of click-and-collect looks like

Here’s what the future of click-and-collect looks like

With retailers rapidly scaling up click-and-collect offerings during pandemic lockdowns, a fascinating new trend has emerged ... Read More
Evolving to meet conscious consumer expectations

Evolving to meet conscious consumer expectations

Food and drink supply chains must adapt and change to respond to today’s consumer expectations of healthier choices, greater ingredient transparency and e-commerce ... Read More
crystal ball

Key Tech Trends in 2022

After another year of immense volatility, a look into the crystal ball for the next wave of technology trends ... Read More
Unlocking food with technology

Unlocking food with technology

Food transparency is increasingly being demanded by consumers. New technology is allowing the quality of meat to be graded ... Read More
man riding motorcycle on road during daytime

Meal delivery lockdown “sugar hit” no flash in the pan

Food delivery services have been on an upswing since lockdown measures were introduced. Technology such as the IoT will play a significant role in their future ... Read More
3 ways SMBs can benefit from tax technology

3 ways SMBs can benefit from tax technology

Managing taxes is challenging for SMBs, particularly when they operate across different markets. Sophisticated tax technologies make compliance much easier ... Read More
grayscale photo of metal mesh screen

How graph data technology helped expose the Pandora Papers leak

The use of data science revealed complex offshore transactions made across millions of documents in the Pandora Papers, revealing how the wealthy avoided taxes and laundered money ... Read More
man in green jacket riding bicycle on road during daytime

Preparing your tech team for the holiday sales

For retailers, the pandemic-driven surge a welcome boost but one that has imposed critical pressure on websites and digital assets. How can tech teams manage the extra spike of holiday ... Read More
assorted berries

How IoT can improve food safety

Enterprise asset management strategy must evolve to improve food safety. Technologies such as IoT and data analytics can achieve this ... Read More
photo of woman holding white and black paper bags

Address evolving customer needs with fashion ERP

As industry attitudes and consumer behaviours change, so does the challenge of sustaining a business in the fashion industry ... Read More
women on square academic caps

Solving the tech skills shortage

University curriculums need to embed core skills that are needed in the workplace to better enable graduates to find work and fill the tech skills gap ... Read More
black towers during sunset

How graph data technology drives success for telcos

For telcos, providing a better customer experience is more important now than ever. Graph database technology can be a key competitive advantage ... Read More
black and white stone on gray sand

Trust: what it means when selecting your business operating platform

For a digital business, trust starts with technology. When people entrust their data to a system, they need to be confident it's going to be seamless and secure ... Read More
astronaut with white background

Redefining HR through graph data technology

NASA used graph data technology to build a skills analysis system to better map talent across the organisation and optimise its staffing ... Read More
people walking on grey concrete floor during daytime

The rise of ResTech in a locked-down world

The changes wrought by COVID-19 are transforming not just the research sector, but also how marketers and businesses access the data they need for decision making ... Read More
green leafed plants during daytime

AgTech: The New Frontier

AgTech is predicted to become a $100 billion industry in Australia by 2030. Its application in agriculture can help increase yields of food and fibre, drive down costs and optimise ... Read More
yellow and gray robot toy

Humanity needs AI, but AI also needs humanity

AI means a lot of different things to many people. It’s a space of continuous innovation, but it’s also still in its infancy ... Read More
Fresh food labelling: The new frontier for grocers

Fresh food labelling: The new frontier for grocers

Bringing detailed nutritional labelling to raw foods is the next step for the food sector. Retailers who lead the way will enjoy a massive competitive advantage as consumers demand more ... Read More
brown and white open signage on green grasses

Open Source is critical for cloud transformations

As more organisations move to the cloud, many will face a choice: to use open source platforms or stick with proprietary solutions from vendors. Which is best? ... Read More
Why graph data platforms are crucial to telco success

Why graph data platforms are crucial to telco success

Telecommunications is all about connections but tech teams are seeing a steep rise in service complexity. Graph data platforms can deliver a significant competitive advantage ... Read More

Top questions to ask when looking for a new business solution

Catching the wave of digital transformation, many SMEs are investing in technology and rolling out new IT systems. How can be sure they've picked the right solution? ... Read More
black corded telephone

Using tech to support hybrid work

With many countries going back into a series of snap lockdowns, it's a sharp reminder that we’re never going back to the way things were. Remote working is here to ... Read More
pile of cookies

Google’s cookie delay represents a second chance for digital advertising

The digital marketing community breathed a collective sigh of relief last week when Google announced that its plans to remove third-party cookies would be delayed from next year until late ... Read More
man in black shirt with light

Enabling connected experiences to evolve the relationship between government and citizens

The relationship between government and citizenry is changing, and this is a good thing for both sides ... Read More
selective focus photography of lens

The turning tide against surveillance capitalism

With the delicate balance between customer data and privacy in the spotlight, every organisation needs to be aware of new standards and business models ... Read More
man sitting facing monitor

Why leaders should consider varying work styles before investing in tech

As businesses look to invest in technology, they should first consider six key workstyle personas ... Read More
Three steps to prepare for the EOFY sales

Three steps to prepare for the EOFY sales

Businesses who thrive this sale season will be those which offer a strong, digital customer experience, while also pre-emptively avoiding bottlenecks during peak periods of demand ... Read More
worm's eye-view photography of ceiling

How data driven decisions help your business thrive

As the unpredictable and unusual 2020 financial year closes, many organisations are rethinking how they shape their strategies for 2022, and data has a big role to play ... Read More
photo of brown wood slab

Gaining a competitive advantage with log management

Too often, tech teams find it hard to maintain context and fix issues when there is so much data. Better log management solves this, enabling the creation of a more ... Read More
grayscale photo of person holding glass

What the Buy Now, Pay Later battle reveals about banks & innovation

Buy now, pay later (BNPL) has emerged as the latest battleground between incumbent banks and challenger brands. What does this tell us about how banks approach innovation? ... Read More
Why the catapult effect is key to long term success for SMEs

Why the catapult effect is key to long term success for SMEs

Catapulting involves leveraging a rebounding economy to grow at double the speed of everyone else – and will be the secret of long-term success for many SMEs ... Read More
blue and white plastic bottle

Creating a seamless COVID-19 vaccine rollout

COVID-19 vaccine rollouts are underway worldwide. How can governments ensure a seamless experience for citizens to sign up and get access? ... Read More
A long-term love affair: Marketing trends in the coping economy

A long-term love affair: Marketing trends in the coping economy

How has the world changed since COVID? A major lifestyle study tracks key trends for marketers to be aware of ... Read More
aerial view photography of group of people walking on gray and white pedestrian lane

Overcoming the challenges of data quality in panel research

Robust, tangible market research can only be based on the thoughts, behaviours and opinions of real people. Here are three steps to ensure data quality ... Read More
person forming heart with their hands

How technology can future-proof not-for-profits

Like all organisations, charities and NFPs face challenges as they scale. ERP helps automate work as well as generating critical campaign insights ... Read More
gray crt tv turned on in a dark room

TV and a new approach to talent

The ongoing shift from print and linear to online and on-demand video over the past decade has changed the game for publishers, advertisers and agencies. How should media organisations evolve? ... Read More
cooked cookies

How to market in a post-cookie world

With the upcoming removal of third-party cookies, the digital world is braced to undergo radical change. What can marketers use instead of tracking data? ... Read More
The importance of AI to modern observability

The importance of AI to modern observability

There’s no way that the human eye can cope with the level of complexity that defines modern technology environments. Artificial intelligence is crucial to ensuring modern observability ... Read More
clear glass cup on brown wooden table

8 ways to stay resilient in 2021

Food & beverage businesses are among the hardest hit by COVID. What can they do to survive? ... Read More
round grey and black magnifying glass

Building a business case for observability

The business benefits of software can be hard to quantify, especially for those who sign the cheques. How can IT managers better convince CEOs and CTOs that they need to ... Read More
man in black jacket holding camera

How SMBs can up their digital CX game in 2021

Finding new, digital ways to engage with customers is not merely a matter of building a thriving business, it’s about surviving ... Read More
people walking on grey concrete floor during daytime

The need for speedy research in a post-COVID world

2021 is already proving to be another year of uncertainty for global economies. In addition to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, there remains political restlessness in the US and Europe and ... Read More
bird's photo of cityscape

How cloud-based erp is crucial for supply chain survival

AI can detect new patterns, identify inefficiencies in supply chains and generate key insights to help plan future strategy ... Read More
Citizens deserve an improved online government user experience

Citizens deserve an improved online government user experience

Government agencies worldwide are struggling to keep up with technology rollouts, with the COVID-19 pandemic only compounding existing issues ... Read More
person taking photo using black smartphone

How innovation fuelled sport viewing during COVID

Sports were hit hard in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, with multiple tournaments across multiple codes cancelled across the globe. But viewing figures still soared ... Read More
green plant on black surface

Top tech solutions to supercharge growth

Only by going digital and going online have many organisations managed to survive COVID-19. Here are five tech strategies that businesses would be smart to follow ... Read More
5 predictions for the food & beverage industry

5 predictions for the food & beverage industry

With consumers increasingly seeking more in-depth information about products, what's in store for the food & beverage industry in 2021? ... Read More
person holding lens

2021 is the year of Observability

Organisations who are first to embrace Observability at the executive level will find themselves at a significant advantage to the firms who do not ... Read More
black wooden framed glass windows

AI-driven optimisation is driving a new era of digital advertising

Artificial Intelligence is transforming old methods and delivering exciting new efficiencies and capabilities in advertising ... Read More
white clouds

The year of cloud and CX

2021 will be the year that innovation and digital prowess driven by agile systems and processes will become more mainstream ... Read More
architectural photography of building with people in it during nighttime

The future of remote working

Hybrid working, teleconferencing-as-a-service, big shifts for commercial real estate, what's next in store for remote working? ... Read More
Five predictions for SMEs in 2021

Five predictions for SMEs in 2021

The workplace is changing forever, with remote working dominating the trends on the business horizon for 2021 ... Read More
Predicting 2021's business technology trends

Predicting 2021’s business technology trends

After a year of Covid-induced change, businesses will continue to discover new ways of working. These are six tech-related trends for 2021 ... Read More
6 business trends taking off in 2021

6 business trends taking off in 2021

For smaller businesses, with fewer resources and IT support, the past year has been exceptionally difficult. As 2021 unfolds what changes will remain and what new trends will there be? ... Read More
three gold pots with plants beside wall

3 new rules for business survival

Countless organisations were forced to pivot to survive in 2020. So what are the 3 new rules for growth in 2021? ... Read More
crystal ball photography

Tech predictions for 2021

2020 was the year that proved that CIOs and CTOs deserved a more prominent seat at the boardroom table. What does 2021 have in store? ... Read More
macro photography of green leaves

New Year’s resolutions for SMBs

As the world starts to emerge and economies recover, what are the 2021 resolutions you can make that will put your business in a strong position to grow in future? ... Read More
assorted-color filed intermodal containers

Anatomy of a data-driven supply chain

Data is what drives informed business decisions. It’s crucial to have key data points across your supply chain to get complete visibility, and maximise efficiency and resilience ... Read More
television showing man using binoculars

The rise of first-party data

The era of third-party data is coming to an end as modern people demand greater privacy and data protection. How can marketers use first-party data? ... Read More
person showing green leaf

Why the environment deserves real-time monitoring

Environmental regulation as an industry is lagging in adoption of real-time monitoring. But IoT technologies are now bringing the cost down ... Read More
citiscan result hand ok

A tech-tonic shift in healthcare

Enabled by new technologies and driven the COVID-19 pandemic, most people will access certain health services remotely in future. Here's what lies ahead ... Read More
handheld tool lot

Why tool consolidation should be a top priority for businesses

Businesses today are spoilt for choice when it comes to managing software environments. But too many tools can spoil the broth ... Read More
two red-and-white dices

Calculated risks are key to business growth

Risk and opportunity are often two sides of the same coin, so don’t try to avoid risk altogether or be excessively risk-averse as we come out of the pandemic ... Read More
8 tips for successful conference calls

8 tips for successful conference calls

Conference calls have become a way of life as workplaces become remote and meetings turn virtual. Given they're here to stay, how can they be made as effective and productive ... Read More
focus photography of car shift gear

How cloud ERP is helping SMBs adapt

For many organisations, lockdown has driven digital transformation. Businesses need to stay very flexible and agile, ready to change gear and scale up or down their operations as customer demand ... Read More
person wearing lavatory gown with green stethoscope on neck using phone while standing

Telehealth beyond COVID-19

Telehealth is one of the key virtual services that people have started to access during the pandemic. What role will it play in future? ... Read More
man in brown sweater standing near window

The human element of data-led advertising

Data-driven advertising, at its core, is about finding the right sources of information and insights to determine who exactly your audience is. What do they care about? How do they ... Read More
minimalist photography of three crank phones

Which new communications trends are here to stay?

Business communications have undergone huge change in recent years, accelerated by COVID-19. Which new trends are set to stay? ... Read More
black and brown rotary phone near gray wall

Communication: What’s working in 2020?

Business communications are undergoing a revolution, sparked by frustrations with technology and existing collaboration tools and accelerated by the COVID-19 crisis ... Read More
close-up photo of SPMTE color bars

The modern view of TV is pure pleasure

The rise and rise of the digital age has robbed us of an easy ability to escape. We are immersed in a 24/7 world and the yearning to disconnect is ever-growing ... Read More
worm's eye-view photography of ceiling

Digital transformation: now an imperative

COVID-19 has demonstrated that digital transformation is vital to enable remote workforces. Organisations urgently need to move away from archaic and costly systems ... Read More
turned-on flat screen television

Media and marketing themes post-COVID

As business begins to emerge from the coronavirus crisis, what new media and marketing trends will characterise the "new normal"? ... Read More
lone road going to mountains

3 steps to cloud migration success

Cloud adoption is a journey, not just a destination. Many organisations go through several iterative stages as they transition away from in-house, legacy infrastructures to the public cloud ... Read More
Normal is the new aspirational: what should brands do?

Normal is the new aspirational: what should brands do?

Banal acts of normalcy have been elevated to aspiration status by recent events. Brands need to rapidly rethink how they present themselves to the world ... Read More
man sitting on gang chair during daytime

How to continue engaging with your customers during COVID-19

With country and state borders closed and people urged to stay home, tourism operators have been left high and dry, with no income ... Read More
cube white block lot on gray surface

How to recognise your biggest growth-stoppers

There are four patterns of problems that cause growth to stall for SMEs. They're holding back thousands of companies - how can they be resolved? ... Read More
red and white flower petals

Ensuring business continuity during COVID-19

Consumers and businesses have made fundamental behavioural shifts to restrict the spread of COVID-19. These are the key areas that IT leaders must focus on to ensure business continuity is ... Read More
5 ways scale-ups can use the pandemic to rebound

5 ways scale-ups can use the pandemic to rebound

Without question, the trauma and disruption from COVID-19 is seriously impacting the economy. How can businesses use the current crisis to assess where they have been, where they are, and ... Read More
New appetite for digital disruption

New appetite for digital disruption

Radical lockdowns have forced people to find different ways to stay connected. It's awoken a new appetite for digital disruption ... Read More
The future of "free shipping"

The future of “free shipping”

Retail powerhouses like Amazon and Walmart have conditioned customers to expect their orders in days, if not hours. Technology is critical to meet expectations ... Read More
8 applications for mobile and wearable tech in manufacturing

8 applications for mobile and wearable tech in manufacturing

In this digital era, data is recognised for its intrinsic value in smart decision-making and enhanced business insights. In manufacturing, data helps personnel on the shop floor to manage goals ... Read More
Collaboration and machine learning key for successful inventory

Collaboration and machine learning key for successful inventory

Spreadsheets, software and even people can get in the way of improving inventory placement processes. It needs collaboration, tearing down silos, and thinking in multiple dimensions ... Read More
Why brand research should shape your strategy in 2020

Why brand research should shape your strategy in 2020

Research data makes advertising much more efficient, eliminating the guesswork in campaigns and enabling real-time pivoting ... Read More
Demystifying MELT: the key data for business observability

Demystifying MELT: the key data for business observability

Understanding the use cases for different types of data allows better sense to be made of data and relationships, enabling quicker and easier resolution of issues ... Read More
Global TV advertising trends in 2020

Global TV advertising trends in 2020

2020 will be the tipping point for the streaming wars, as advertisers demand better data across all screens ... Read More
3 core elements of business observability

3 core elements of business observability

Today, teams need to monitor their applications and infrastructure through observability. It's a different approach to what was done just a few years ago with traditional monitoring ... Read More
What is business observability?

What is business observability?

Successful digital businesses are turning to observability to get ahead. But how does it differ from traditional app monitoring? ... Read More
Can technology save the healthcare crisis?

Can technology save the healthcare crisis?

Healthcare organisations across the globe are suffering a crisis when it comes to skilled and qualified workers. According to Harvard Business Review, 60% of 21st century jobs in require skills ... Read More
Shift to VOD: video advertising wars

Shift to VOD: video advertising wars

Consumers are not afraid of changing their behaviour, so the advertising sector also needs to embrace evolution. The shift to VoD is a boon to advertisers, who are no longer ... Read More
The devil is in the data: Mitigating cloud migration risks

The devil is in the data: Mitigating cloud migration risks

Using the cloud as a critical business driver can be greatly beneficial, but it’s important to be aware of the risks that migration can cause and take steps to mitigate ... Read More
4 factors to ruin your serverless migration

4 factors to ruin your serverless migration

Organisations need to upgrade and evolve their infrastructure technology to maintain a competitive edge ... Read More
3 growth hacks for better engagement

3 growth hacks for better engagement

By using data, understanding analytics and implementing a growth mindset, businesses can get to know their target market and better engage with their audience ... Read More
The dilemma of digital clutter

The dilemma of digital clutter

Where is the konmari for cloud? Gigabytes of free storage have turned many of us into digital hoarders. But it can be a trap. Digital hoarding is not without risk ... Read More
Declared Data: Why Consent Equals Value

Declared Data: Why Consent Equals Value

Consumer sentiment is increasingly hostile to the concept of businesses harvesting their personal data for commercial reasons. Yet the same time, more consumers than ever before expect a personalised experience ... Read More
The importance of data ethics – the philosophy of digital

The importance of data ethics – the philosophy of digital

Advances in technology have raised many challenging issues around privacy, ethics and human rights. It’s up to those in the industry to ensure a solid ethical framework for technology going ... Read More
Bridging the research and CX gap

Bridging the research and CX gap

Humans are the "new black" or the "new oil", and creating hyper-relevant customer experiences (CX) is the holy grail of marketing ... Read More
3 key tips to foster collaboration in a digital workforce

3 key tips to foster collaboration in a digital workforce

Collaborative environments, whether digital or otherwise, are about harnessing the skills and talents of individuals in teams within organisations to create a bigger and better impact than the sum of ... Read More
Are you creating data assets or a data dump?

Are you creating data assets or a data dump?

Our appetite to store more data is becoming insatiable. But most organisations still don't have good quality information actively driving better outcomes within their operational processes ... Read More
How to turn bad data into a new revenue stream

How to turn bad data into a new revenue stream

With the vast amounts of data companies gather and store, it can be challenging to figure out what’s actually of value. How can we assess and increase the economic value ... Read More
How to successfully embark on a DevOps journey

How to successfully embark on a DevOps journey

DevOps combines collaboration and transparency to speed development, implementation and innovation throughout an organisation. How can we use technology to drive and support DevOps? ... Read More
Cloud adoption: How different countries stack up

Cloud adoption: How different countries stack up

The speed at which businesses are able to adopt cloud, and how they use it, can be impacted by where they’re based in the world. Some markets are much more ... Read More
The Many Ways to Raise Funding for Your Startup

The Many Ways to Raise Funding for Your Startup

When it comes to raising external money, most people consider venture capital or angel investors. Look towards government grants as well ... Read More
Harnessing technology to ride the education boom

Harnessing technology to ride the education boom

Embracing technology, and making life easier for international students and agents to communicate and transact online will deliver exciting benefits as the education sector continues its rapid expansion ... Read More
Where are you in your cloud maturity journey?

Where are you in your cloud maturity journey?

For many enterprises, finding success in the cloud is still a daunting challenge. Too often, organisations set overly high expectations for the benefits of the cloud while underestimating the amount ... Read More
From the computer suite to the C-suite: How tech people can take over business

From the computer suite to the C-suite: How tech people can take over business

The way companies are run today is more data driven than ever before, which is opening the door for tech ​people to take on more responsibility​ ... Read More
3 common mistakes companies make when adopting cloud

3 common mistakes companies make when adopting cloud

There are many mistakes that companies new to the cloud make when they begin looking into cloud adoption, that can impact the success or failure of cloud migration ... Read More
What to know about the phenomenon that is data science

What to know about the phenomenon that is data science

The demand for data scientists today is already high with no signs of abating. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) forecasted in 2017 that globally, 2.7 million new jobs will be created for data ... Read More
The 4 pitfalls of cloud migration

The 4 pitfalls of cloud migration

We often find that moving to the cloud isn’t necessarily as easy as we would like it to be - or as easy as we were led to believe it ... Read More
Why more Australian founders need to demand a seat at the global table

Why more Australian founders need to demand a seat at the global table

Too few Australian startup founders are able to realise their global potential when they deserve a “seat at the table” – the right to compete in the global market ... Read More
We need "Data-as-a-service" standards

We need “Data-as-a-service” standards

Data-as-a-service (DaaS) has been around as a concept for a few years, but it’s still a new term for many organisations ... Read More
Amazon: A digital wake-up call for retail

Amazon: A digital wake-up call for retail

Amazon’s entry into Australia should be a long overdue wake-up call for local retailers and businesses, limping along on sluggish, struggling last-century technology ... Read More
Blockchain is ready for prime time despite its critics

Blockchain is ready for prime time despite its critics

Over the last few years the hype around Blockchain has been brought to the forefront via mass entry into cryptocurrencies. How should we reconcile our expectations versus the reality? ... Read More
AI and the cloud: Separating fact from fiction

AI and the cloud: Separating fact from fiction

From virtual assistants to chatbots and deep learning, AI is taking up increasing space in the cloud. If you believe the hype, the advent of artificial intelligence is destined to ... Read More
U-turn needed on skilled visas

U-turn needed on skilled visas

Australia needs to open the door to tech talent. The economy desperately needs this but the current policies regarding employment visas are lethally short-sighted in a world where everything is ... Read More
The 6 top mistakes startups make when hiring tech talent

The 6 top mistakes startups make when hiring tech talent

The global war for tech talent still rages, and it can lead companies to panic and grab candidates who aren’t a good fit. Startups in particular tend to make several ... Read More
open source

Why Australian enterprises are embracing open source

More enterprises than ever before are relying on open source software. Two thirds of enterprises are now using OSS, according to the 2016 Future of Open Source Survey, and they're ... Read More
How to go from startup idea to execution

How to go from startup idea to execution

A lot of people are in the boat of “I have this great idea, I’ll get someone else to do the legwork, and I’ll make all the money. I’ll just ... Read More
Cloud applications and continuous business transformation

Cloud applications and continuous business transformation

Moving to the cloud should be about more than plugging in a solution. To realise the full benefits, it needs to be part of a full business transformation ... Read More
The rise of AI: should we be scared or ecstatic?

The rise of AI: should we be scared or ecstatic?

Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has repeatedly said we need to be more concerned about safety with the increased use of AI, or artificial intelligence ... Read More
Why the cloud isn't Colditz

Why the cloud isn’t Colditz

Being "in the cloud" can lull companies into a false sense of security. Cloud doesn't mean that someone is taking care of everything for you. Any company still has many ... Read More

AGM engagement: using technology to connect

Australian super funds could soon be required to hold Annual General Meetings (AGMs) if the government’s flagged changes to governance go through. AGMs are a thorny issue for the companies ... Read More
Chatbots: Opportunity and threat

Chatbots: Opportunity and threat

In the first six months after Facebook introduced a bot API for Messenger, around 34,000 chatbots were created. They’re being used for a range of purposes, from engaging at the pre-sales point ... Read More

The rise of serverless architecture

Serverless architecture has become a buzzword, with more and more people using it. But should they be? While there are some situations where serverless offers many benefits, there are also ... Read More

Courage and clicks

Cut-through needs courage. Media organisations and their readers don't want safe, generic content. They want opinion articles that are strong, with interesting information and unique viewpoints ... Read More
Studies find CEOs more confident about cyber security than CIOs

Studies find CEOs more confident about cyber security than CIOs

Following an increasing number of high-profile breaches and ongoing pressure from governments and regulatory bodies, cyber security is increasingly taking centre stage on most board agendas. Board members are becoming ... Read More


When it comes to highly specialist technical roles, it can be hard for non-technical founders to assess and validate candidates’ technical credentials. You have the brilliant idea, but you don’t ... Read More